Continued evolution of funder requirements is driving the need for more sophisticated grant management systems and processes—especially for grantors managing multiple recipients.
Topic Archives
Configurable Purpose-Built vs. Custom-Built Grant Software: What’s the Difference?
The SaaS model for grant management will become the prevalent approach for grant administration in the coming years.
The RFP Alternative: Cooperative Purchasing
If you are required to go through a competitive solicitation or Request for Proposal (RFP) process to purchase grant management software (GMS) read on for an alternative, time-saving approach: cooperative purchasing.
3 Ways Grant Management Software Supports Compliance
In this article we outline 3 ways Grant Management Software supports you in maintaining compliance and prepping for audits.
More Than Software: People, Resources & Partners
We are committed to creating a better world by simplifying business processes and amplifying grant resources to accelerate missions globally. While we fully believe that technology—including AmpliFund software—is essential to accomplish this, we also recognize that this ambition requires more than just software.
Webinar On Demand | Vital Role of GMS for Compliance
This webinar demonstrates how a GMS, i.e., AmpliFund, enables you to implement essential reporting and compliance activities and demonstrate program value.
Webinar On Demand | Grant Budgeting & Financial Reporting
This webinar reviews the essentials of budgeting for grant projects; financial reporting best practices; how a GMS can complement an ERP or financial system.
Choosing the Right Path: ERP + GMS
Some guidance from AmpliFund’s founder to help you ensure your grant management needs are considered when your organization is assessing an ERP purchase.
Grant Compliance & Reporting
Navigate compliance and requirement changes that impact grant management and discover new results-based funding opportunities.