4 steps to refresh a grants management strategy for grant makers that creates capacity and streamlines operations.
Topic Archives
Breaking Down Silos with Catholic Charities USA
CCUSA sat down with members of the AmpliFund team to discuss the success they have seen organizationally after implementing grant management software.
Busting the Top 5 Grant Management Myths
This week’s blog focuses on addressing the top five grant management myths to increase your organization’s capacity and impact.
Using Tactical Approaches to Achieve Strategic Implementation Goals
Defining the differences between strategic goals and tactical approaches to streamline grants management software and project implementation.
How Kalamazoo County Took Charge of Their ARPA Funding
Using AmpliFund, Kalamazoo County centralized their grants data, standardized their processes, and automated the steps needed in those processes to shift time and resources to focus on community impact.
Congratulations on Becoming a Grants Manager! Now What?
Tips for grant managers to implement systems that allow for collection of accurate data and provide transparency, ensuring successful grant programs.
Creating Public Trust with Data
How local governments can use real-time grant program performance data to build trust with the public.
Digital Transformation and Knowledge Transfer
An overview of the ways that digital transformation can lead to knowledge transfer for organizational change in grants management.
4 Tips to Help Improve Your Outcomes
Identifying grant management processes that can drive best practices and be effective for your organization can be a daunting task. It doesn’t have to be.