The passing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act means more funding opportunities. The AmpliFund team has application info in this week’s blog!
Topic Archives
Understanding Differences Between Managing ARPA & Traditional Funding
ARPA funding, unlike traditional funding, requires a grant management strategy focus shift towards using data collection to make informed future choices.
2023 Budget Plan Could Increase State and Local Government Funding
An overview of some of the notable grant funding increases for state and local government in the 2023 Federal budget.
Can You Use Your ARPA Funding for Technology Procurement?
An overview of how you can use ARPA/SLFRF funding for technology procurement to support your grant funded programs.
More Local Infrastructure Funding May be on the Way from Congress
The State, Local, Tribal, & Territorial Fiscal Recovery, Infrastructure & Disaster Relief Flexibility Act could give counties flexibility to spend SLFRF funds.
New Grant Opportunities – Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
An overview of the new formula and competitive grant programs created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
Grant Management Drawdown: Tips for Grant Seekers
Tips and best practices for grant seekers to help ensure your organization is maximizing drawdown of grant funds.
The Small Municipality Dilemma
Some cities, towns, and jurisdictions with <50,000 residents are turning down ARPA funding. Learn about their reasoning, and solutions to the common reasons cited.
How to Write an Effective Grant Proposal
This guide reviews how to write an effective grant proposal.