If you receive Federal funding, use this checklist to implement practices that prepare you for the Single Audit throughout each phase of the grant lifecycle.
Topic Archives
Risk Management: Connecting the Dots
Read the highlights from our recent webinar series that delves into risk management in the context of managing grants.
Explainer: OMB’s 2024 Compliance Supplement Updates & Changes
If you don’t have time to read all 2,105 pages of the OMB’s 2024 Compliance Supplement, download our Explainer. We’ve summarized the changes and included links to help you navigate to the information that is most relevant to you. Give it a read to understand the changes, their impact, and your next steps.
Preparing for the Single Audit: A Checklist for Grant Makers
The Single Audit is mandatory if you receive federal funds. Establish practices for the full grant lifecycle using this checklist to maintain compliance.
Subrecipient Monitoring Risk Assessment Tool
There are multiple ways to conduct risk assessment for your own organization, adding subrecipients can complicate risk assessment even more. To help ensure you ask subrecipients the right questions, we have designed a Subrecipient Monitoring Risk Assessment Tool to get you started.
Audit Compliance Updates: SLFRF & Provider Relief Fund
OMB released the 2021 Compliance Supplement Technical Update. We can help you understand what this means for SLFRF and Provider Relief Fund recipients.
CARES Act Audit Requirements for Tribal Governments
With the closeout of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act ICDBG programs, tribal nations must turn their attention to audits.
The Future of Grants Management: Auditing
Blockchain presents a new, more secure level of control that auditors may appreciate, but it will not replace internal grant management practices.
How Local Governments Can Address Their Most Common Audit Issue: Personnel Allocation
Personnel allocation continues to be a common finding in local government grant audits, but it can be tackled in all three stages of the grant lifecycle.