Don’t risk losing SLFRF funds! Get practical tips to properly obligate your remaining funds before the December 31, 2024 deadline.
Topic Archives
Updated SLFRF Compliance Checklist
Access our easy-to-follow SLFRF Compliance Checklist to navigate Treasury’s latest updates and more effectively manage SLFRF funds.
Updated Guide to SLFRF Reporting Requirements for Local, State, and Tribal Grant Managers
Updated in September 2024 to incorporate SLFRF updates, this guide provides an overview of the current SLFRF program reporting requirements, incorporating the latest changes and clarifications from the Treasury.
Updated SLFRF Explainer: Obligation IFR & Revised FAQs
Access a detailed assessment based on the latest updates to Treasury’s SLFRF Obligation IFR and its impact on grant managers
2024 Uniform Grant Guidance Update Explainer
Find out how grant managers are impacted by the OMB’s 2024 updates to Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) effective October 1st and learn how to prepare with the next steps listed in this Explainer.
Treasury’s SLFRF Interim Final Rule on Obligation
Access a detailed assessment on how the U.S. Department of Treasury’s SLFRF Interim Final Rule on obligation impacts grant managers and funding.
*Updates* Treasury’s Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)
2022 updates to the Treasury’s Compliance and Reporting Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)
SLFRF Updates: Expanded Affordable Housing Eligibility Criteria
Here we are providing an overview of the expanded affordable housing eligibility criteria outlined in the most recent Treasury SLFRF update.
Audit Compliance Updates: SLFRF & Provider Relief Fund
OMB released the 2021 Compliance Supplement Technical Update. We can help you understand what this means for SLFRF and Provider Relief Fund recipients.