Grant Writing & Consulting

We are privileged to offer our customers the opportunity to leverage the skill and experience of Dr. Bev Browning and her network of grant writers. Through Bev Browning LLC, AmpliFund customers can access:

Grant Writing Services
Grant Writing Services
Tech Assistance
Technical Assistance & Research
Peer Review
Pre-submission Peer Review


Grant Writing: Get support to assemble your grant application.

Technical Assistance & Research: Have your questions answered and get assistance with conducting required grant application narrative response research to support your submission.

Pre-Submission Peer Review: Receive comprehensive annotated written feedback on your grant application narrative. This includes input on your content's weaknesses and recommendations for ways to strengthen the narrative based on the post-submission peer review evaluation criteria for award-winning grant applications.


Dr. Browning, a grant industry legacy-maker with 48 years of grant writing experience, is the director of Bev Browning LLC and the founder and director of the Grant Writing Training Foundation. She has authored 47 grant writing-related books, including Grant Writing for Dummies. Her clients span municipal, nonprofit, and higher education and together have received more than $750M in grant awards.

Dr. Browning is also a board member of the Grant Professionals Foundation, Integro Bank Foundation, and Integro Bank, where she was a founder and is an investor.

Access Services

Fill out the inquiry form for Bev Browning LLC to share your grant writing and application needs.