Does the length of the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) 2023 Compliance Supplement for Single Audit Act audits overwhelm you? Check out our summary of the relevant changes for each part of the 2,061-page document.
Sector Archives
The Essential Guide to Grants Management
Having an understanding of the grant lifecycle and putting a management strategy in place can help your organization maintain compliance and oversee every aspect of its grants. Check out our guide for a breakdown of the grant lifecycle!
Understanding the Hierarchy of Federal Grant Regulations & Guidance
There are a variety of laws and regulations set in place to safeguard public funds. The existence of these rules can create confusion within the grant lifecycle. This guide is designed to provide you with clarity on the laws that govern grant regulation.
Creating Strong Internal Controls Checklist
A checklist to help grant managers create a strong set of internal controls to maximize drawdown, support compliance, and create capacity.
Addressing Equity in the Funding Process
A guide for grant makers that provides tips and tools to promote equity in the grant application and review for distributing federal recovery funding.
Pre-Award Compliance Preparedness Checklist
This checklist helps you determine potential risks that could lead to non-compliance, and identify areas to establish internal controls to mitigate risk at the start of the pre-award phase of the grant lifecycle.
Essential Guide to the Four Types of Federal Grant Funding eBook
A guide to the four types of federal grant funding and practical advice on applying for them.
Preparing to Manage Your Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funding
Key actions grant organizations can take to prepare for managing competitive awards from Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding.
The 4 Types of Awarding Strategies Grant Seekers Should Know
Grant seekers need to understand these 4 strategies that funders use to make awarding decisions so they can best identify awards that align with their program goals.