Important tips for standardizing performance measurement across your grant portfolio and reducing the challenges of collecting data for reporting.
Sector Archives
How to Prioritize Your Funded-Project Wish List
Step-by-step support to help grant staff prioritize their funded project wish list, focus on the most impactful projects first, and get the resources to get them off the ground.
Best Practices for Creating New Opportunities with a Grants Management System
Best practices to help grant makers create capacity by customizing opportunities to streamline the application and review process.
3 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Winning Federal Infrastructure Funding
3 ways grants management software can help you improve your chances of winning federal infrastructure funding.
The Top 10 Resources of 2022
The 10 most downloaded AmpliFund grant management resources of the year for grantors and grantees to maintain compliance and win more funding.
An ERP System or a Grant Management System: Which is Best for Your Awards?
Weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of using an ERP system or a Grants Management System (GMS) before deciding which is best for your needs.
The Benefits of a Grants Management Partner
From researching and applying for grants to tracking and reporting, a partner in grant management can give you the support you need.
*Updates* Treasury’s Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)
2022 updates to the Treasury’s Compliance and Reporting Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)
How Grant Programs Can Reduce Staff Turnover with Technology
How a digital transformation with grants management software helps streamline processes, create capacity, and reduce turnover.