The OMB 2022 Compliance Supplement was released and contains audit guidance for 235 programs and 48 grant programs from 22 Federal agencies.
Sector Archives
Treasury Releases Response to Final Rule ARPA/SLFRF FAQs
An overview of the guidance from new FAQs released by the Treasury regarding ARPA/SLFRF final rule updates.
Capacity Building for the Future
Your organization can introduce capacity building activities at any point in the grant lifecycle, or the capacity evaluation process.
A View from the Hill – Upcoming Updates to the SLFRF Final Rule
Updated guidance is incoming for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund recipients from Treasury & OMB.
Grant Management Solutions Toolkit: Preparing for Implementation
AmpliFund offers tips on how to make your grants management software implementation more efficient and successful.
Performance Reporting is Paramount – OMB 2021 Compliance Supplement Update
Tips for implementing the 2021 OMB Compliance Supplement updates for Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) including increased performance reporting, outcomes, & equity.
The Treasury’s Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)
The Treasury’s Compliance and Reporting Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)